To my fellow SLPs and any interested others…sometimes there is help for your child or student just around the corner! Today I enlisted the assistance of a parent helper at one of my schools. I have a student who has multiple needs–in SLP talk–she has a severe lateral lisp and grammar issues. We all know that schools are very short of money. Thankfully, we have parents who volunteer at our schools. There is a parent in the classroom next door to my office (at one of my 3 schools) who is a registered nurse. She is in training to become a teacher and is assisting in a classroom twice a week. I asked her if she would be able to sit down with my student for five minutes both days she was here. I explained our rules for confidentiality–being a nurse, she was very familiar with HIPAA, of course. She offered to work twice weekly with my student–what a great resource! So, while I would not ask just anyone to help out a speech student, sometimes you can find wonderful helpers by just inquiring! Looking forward to seeing faster progress for my student!
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