is a great little worksheet to help your students learn idioms. Here is what to
do: Choose an idiom. Talk about what it appears to sound like–the literal
meaning of the words. Have you student draw a picture that depicts the literal
meaning of the words in the box on the left. Then talk about what it means in
context. Have your student draw the figurative meaning of the phrase in the box
on the right. Compare and contrast the two drawings to help improve
you like that worksheet, check out my newest product, Animal Idioms, which
features this worksheet-with specific details for each idiom in the packet.
There are a total of 20 idioms! Your students will be able to improve their
figurative language skills through drawing, listening, answering comprehension
questions and describing
their own experiences using idioms!
I can definitely use this right now! I have a couple of student who are really struggling with this!
It is very difficult for many of our students. I hope this helps! ๐
This is wonderful. I recently was completing an informal assessment and asked my student what "raining cats and dogs" meant. His response? Cats and dogs falling from the sky! That would be great! I'd get a free cat!" UGH!