clinicians all remember the CFY –
Clinical Fellowship Year. I was lucky enough to split my year between a public school and a
skilled nursing facility. This gave me a great start as both a medical and an
educational SLP. Fast forward 31 years and I am still practicing in both areas!
clinicians all remember the CFY –
Clinical Fellowship Year. I was lucky enough to split my year between a public school and a
skilled nursing facility. This gave me a great start as both a medical and an
educational SLP. Fast forward 31 years and I am still practicing in both areas!
of the best ways an experienced clinician can give back to the profession is to
help students and new clinicians who are just beginning their career. Supervisors are busy people–especially at this time of year in the schools! They may
not always be available when you need help. I have been asked on several
occasions for assistance in this type of situation. So, I thought it might be a good
idea to offer online “office hours.” Here is how it will work:
of the best ways an experienced clinician can give back to the profession is to
help students and new clinicians who are just beginning their career. Supervisors are busy people–especially at this time of year in the schools! They may
not always be available when you need help. I have been asked on several
occasions for assistance in this type of situation. So, I thought it might be a good
idea to offer online “office hours.” Here is how it will work:
hours: Sunday and Thursday evenings I will be available online to answer your questions
from 5:00PM to 7:00PM (Pacific Standard Time). I may add more days/times depending on the need and my availability.
hours: Sunday and Thursday evenings I will be available online to answer your questions
from 5:00PM to 7:00PM (Pacific Standard Time). I may add more days/times depending on the need and my availability.
You can use the messaging system on Facebook. Go to my GoldCountrySLP page
by clicking on the graphic below. Look
for the “messages” button. Click on that and then you will be able to type me a
message. I will answer you as quickly as I can. There may be slight delays,
depending upon how many people are asking questions.
You can use the messaging system on Facebook. Go to my GoldCountrySLP page
by clicking on the graphic below. Look
for the “messages” button. Click on that and then you will be able to type me a
message. I will answer you as quickly as I can. There may be slight delays,
depending upon how many people are asking questions.
times: You can send me a message ANY time, just remember I may not get back to
you as quickly, if it is not during the posted office hours.
times: You can send me a message ANY time, just remember I may not get back to
you as quickly, if it is not during the posted office hours.
To me the main goal of supervision is to be a support person offering both
instruction and feedback in a positive way.
To me the main goal of supervision is to be a support person offering both
instruction and feedback in a positive way.
Caveat: Please keep in mind that the intent is not to replace direct supervision; rather to supplement it with another source for help in situations when you have an urgent question and your supervisor is not available.
forward to hearing from you!
forward to hearing from you!
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