Many of you enjoyed my Sticky Note Bundle, so I decided to offer one page of it for free! This will help you all year long. Those of you who work in the school system know how difficult it is to send for your students, so this is a way to make that easier for you. I often send a… Read More
Corduroy! No, not the fabric, the BEAR! If you work with children, you probably know all about Corduroy. He is an adorable, lovable character who is the central character in several books written by author/illustrator Don Freeman. The original Corduroy book was published in 1968. Corduroy is innocent and loving–characteristics that appeal to all–especially children. Freeman wrote two other books,… Read More
Data Collection – Made EASY ! Admittedly, this is NOT my fave topic, however it must be done. Collecting data is how we discover where our students/patients/clients are at the beginning of treatment. It is how we measure their progress during treatment. And finally, data tells us how they did at the end of treatment or perhaps when it is… Read More
A Pirate’s Life for Me – Mini Book and companion activity packet!
A Pirate’s Life for Me ! Ahoy Mateys! Arrre you ready for the pirate invasion? Well, ready or not, the pirates are here! My newest project is an original story book with a full set of receptive and expressive language activities to accompany it. You don’t have to buy a book—because it is included! The activities are: 1) Comprehension Questions, 2)… Read More
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Themes! Those of us who work with young children are very tuned into various themes. One of my all-time favorite themes that kids LOVE is dogs and puppies! Even a child who may be a little reluctant to talk will talk about animals, especially dogs. I have several activities that are built around this theme. First, I would like to… Read More