Are you a crazy-busy itinerant SLP?
Are you tearing your hair out trying to serve a HUGE, DIVERSE caseload?
I am right THERE with you!
And I’m here to HELP you!!
I believe in SIMPLIFYING so you can prepare your sessions quickly and easily.
Are you tired of schlepping a ton of stuff from school to school? Yep, me too! Materials need to be easy to haul around. That’s what I keep in mind when designing products. LESS is MORE!
Who am I? I’m a Speech-Language Pathologist from northern California with over 30 years of experience in the public schools, private practice, acute care and skilled nursing facilities. Yep, I have a wide range of experience. My TpT specialties include CYCLES, NO/LOW prep, book companions and materials for mixed groups.
I hope you will find my products helpful. Please contact me if you have any questions or ideas!